4 Telltale Signs That Your Home Needs Bathroom Remodeling

Your bathroom is one of the most important parts of your house. It has a huge impact on the resale value of your home, and it can also be a source of comfort and relaxation. Say you come home after a tiring day and find that your shower is not functioning properly. This will cause frustration and probably a lack of sleep!

Bathroom remodeling is a popular choice among homeowners because it restores the essence of your bathroom while improving aesthetics and comfort.

We are one of the leading bathroom contractors in Maryland and we get this question quite often – “How do I know that my bathroom needs remodeling?”

There are many signs you can look for to determine if your bathroom needs remodeling.

Weird Smell

If your bathroom has a strange odor, even after regular cleaning, it may be due to leaks or mildew growth. Do your bathroom walls have water patches? Instead of painting over the problem, opt for bathroom remodeling. It will give you a more permanent solution.

Worn Out Tiles

Another telltale sign that you need bathroom remodeling is cracked and broken tiles. If your tiles are starting to crack around your sink and shower, or on the floor, your bathroom needs remodeling. Merely getting your tiles fixed won’t fix the issue. Other tiles will break eventually and you may find yourself in the same situation again.

Outdated Bathroom Decor

This is one of the most important signs you’re due for bathroom remodeling. Over time, the decor of your bathroom will become outdated and take on a dull appearance. No matter how many times you change the lights, your bathroom will always feel boring and aged. Bathroom remodeling will give you the upgrades you desire, restoring the aesthetics of the bathroom and making it look brand new.

Less Storage Space, High Energy Consumption

Does your bathroom always feel crowded? Maybe you feel like there are too many things in your bathroom and there is no space left to keep your towels and clothes!

Is your bathroom consuming too much electricity? A slowly leaking faucet can waste hundreds of gallons of water over time.

Maybe you have an old-fashioned heating system that is consuming too much electricity.

Bathroom remodeling will create more space and upgrade your bathroom to the latest technology.

Torres Renovations, LLC has over 12 years of experience in bathroom remodeling and is licensed by the Maryland Home Improvement Commission. Looking for bathroom contractors in Maryland? Call us at (240)-750-3931 or fill in this form to get a free quote from us today!

5 Benefits of Home Renovation That Make it a No-Brainer

Both the price and looks of a house can easily downgrade with time if not cared for properly. A person may put their life savings into buying a home, so it only makes sense to ensure that the house stays beautiful over its lifetime.

Choosing to do maintenance yourself might work for a few years, but putting a bandaid over the same problem won’t fix it. Home Remodeling is a better option and provides a more permanent solution to fix any issues with your home.

Home remodeling improves the look of your house and makes it more comfortable. Remodeling isn’t just about retaining the resale value of your house; home decor trends change over time, too. Home Remodeling offers a perfect solution!

Before we get started, make sure to check for online reviews of local renovation companies before hiring their services. For example, search “remodeling companies in Maryland” to get a list of top-rated companies in the area.

Benefits Of Home Renovation

1) Improved Comfort

Home remodeling definitely upgrades the comfort of your house and changes the way you use it. You may change to easy-opening windows and doors that provide increased protection against bad weather. The same goes for your kitchen. There are so many things you can do to improve the comfort and functionality of your kitchen, including stove top design and increased cabinet space.

2) Spacious

Space is an important factor in determining the overall feel of your home. From your kitchen to your bathroom, home remodeling can create more space and help you to use it more effectively. Plus, your home will feel brighter and more open.

3) Increased Asset Value

The value of a house includes its aesthetics and amenities. A house loses its value over time, but with home remodeling, you can restore your home to its original glory and increase your asset value.

4) Energy Efficiency

Home remodeling projects can make your house more energy efficient by replacing older and faulty equipment with the latest technologies. Replace old-fashioned light bulbs with energy efficient. Change out your washing machine, and replace your faucets, taps, and bathtub, and watch your electricity and water bills go down!

5) About Maintenance

Home remodeling makes your house as good as new with some added functionalities. You don’t have to worry about maintenance costs in the short term, allowing you to enjoy increased comfort and luxury.

These are just a few of the benefits of home remodeling. Make sure to do a background check on a remodeling contractor before hiring their services.

Torres Renovations, LLC has over 12 years of experience in providing home remodeling services and is licensed by the Maryland Home Improvement Commission as well. Looking for home remodeling contractors in Maryland? Call at (240)-750-3931 or fill in this form to contact us today!

Common Mistakes Homeowners Make In Kitchen Remodeling

Are you planning a kitchen remodel?

Have you picked out the theme and color palate?

Have you agreed upon the dining and cutlery sets?

What is your budget?

The kitchen is the heart and soul of the home. Renovating this room can be a tricky business, and if you aren’t careful, you may end up making design, space, and budget-related mistakes. These can have hefty and expensive repercussions.

Below are a few of the more common mistakes that homeowners often make when remodeling their kitchen:


In the rush to follow the latest kitchen remodeling trends, many people fail to consider the practicality and the functionality of their kitchen. No matter what the newest home improvement magazine says, you should always think about your kitchen size, needs and requirements before implementing a plan. Your kitchen must still be functional and efficient. Establish your budget accordingly and then move forward with your remodeling plan.


It is crucial to have ample space in your kitchen to move around and to store your kitchen utensils. There should be enough room beside the sink as well. Maximizing the efficiency of your storage space will save you time and money in the long run. If you focus on fashion over functionality, you may find yourself trying unsuccessfully to squeeze everything into a small space.


You might not be sweating now over the finer details like the drawers, the pantry shelves, the countertops or the cabinet handles. Don’t set yourself up for future regret. Decide what look you love and pay attention to detail.


Your countertops will hold more than you think, including your hot and cold meals. Consider how you plan on using your countertops before deciding what materials to install. Don’t just go for porcelain because of how it will look. Certain materials don’t react well to heat damage, knife strokes, impacts, and stains. Make sure you know the characteristics of every material available out there before deciding on the one that’s best for you.


It is vital that you have decided on everything before the kitchen remodeling contractor starts their work. Once the work has begun, every change that you request will delay the project and add to overall cost of the kitchen.


So you have plans to build your gorgeous and practical kitchen, but you still have questions. That’s okay! You need a professional kitchen remodeling contractor like Torres Renovation. A Maryland Home Improvement Commission licensed company, we have been offering home improvement services for more than a decade. Our trained and experienced kitchen remodeling contractors will evaluate your idea and guide you through the process while ensuring everything is customized to your liking and that there are no compromises on quality and functionality.

Leave the stress of making mistakes behind! Consult Torres Renovations kitchen remodeling contractors today!

Tips for Remodeling Your Bathroom on a Budget

The bathroom is one of the most important parts of your home. If you’ve been a homeowner for years and you’ve decided to finally tackle that bathroom remodeling project, you probably already know that the whole process can be a little overwhelming. There is so much to accomplish, including selecting the design changes, choosing the right materials and fixtures, and deciding on the right bathroom remodeling company. Plus, you want to keep costs low!

People often postpone their remodeling projects due to budget limitations. We hope this article gives you some really useful tips on how to cut costs on your bathroom remodeling project without compromising on what you want.

Why Bathroom Remodeling?

To start with, the bathroom, along with kitchen and living room, is one of the key areas that impacts the resale value of your house. It must have proper lighting, upgraded features such as the latest water heating system, easy to clean tiles, and much more.

Even if you are not planning to sell your house anytime soon, the comfort of your bathroom matters a lot. Your bathroom should feel refreshing, clean and relaxing. It must be spacious with enough room to store your toiletries.

Bathroom remodeling can bring your bathroom into the 21st century, effectively improving the resale value of your house and making your house look – and feel – new.

Keep in mind – you should ALWAYS read client reviews on companies offering bathroom remodeling in Gaithersburg, MD before hiring them.

Remodeling Tips For Your Bathroom

Make A List

This is one of the tasks you should complete during the initial planning stages. Make a list of items/things you want to change in your bathroom. Give equal priority to aesthetics and functionality. This list will help you make up your mind on changes you want for your bathroom.

The Trick is in the Paint

The color you choose for your bathroom might not seem important, but the right palate can make or break the aesthetic of the room. The overall look of your bathroom depends a lot on the colors you choose for the walls and vanities. Vintage grey is a nice choice and fits in any surrounding but you can also go with brighter colors to give the room a fresh feeling.

Plumbing Customizations

You can definitely opt for custom plumbing without breaking the bank. For example, instead of changing the whole toilet, you can replace just its lid and seat. This will help you cut a significant amount from your remodeling project. Similarly, you can leave the water pipes as they are and replace or mend the fixtures such as faucets and showerheads.

Make Room For Natural Lighting

Lighting is one of the areas where people often spend their remodeling budget. Instead of purchasing high-end lights, see if you can make room for more natural light in your bathroom. Also, make sure to check the wiring system in your bathroom for safety. This will not only help you to save on your bathroom remodeling budget but also on monthly electricity bills.

These are just a few ideas you can follow to successfully complete your bathroom remodeling project on a budget. A reputed remodeling company can help you in planning a wallet-friendly remodeling plan for your bathroom.

Torres Renovation, LLC has more than 12 years of experience in providing bathroom remodeling and is licensed by the Maryland Home Improvement Commission. Looking for bathroom remodeling in Gaithersburg, MD? Call at (240)-750-3931 or fill in this form to reach out to us today!